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Game-Changing Business Apps I Just Learned About!

Last month, I had the privilege of attending an informative event organized by the Austin Board of Realtors. The event featured tech pitches tailored to the real estate industry, and a really entertaining and inspiring presentation by Marki Lemons Ryhal on the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In this blog post, I will share some insights I gained from this event. If you're a real estate professional looking to integrate technology into your practice or someone simply curious about the intersection of technology and the real estate industry, I hope you find this helpful!

Okay, so they didn't actually talk about this one at the event, but it is a tool that had been LIFE CHANGING! is incredibly useful because it streamlines project management, team collaboration, and workflow automation in one super intuitive platform. Since I’ve started using it, it has helped me stay organized and productive and has helped with collaborative tasks... I personally prefer Monday to Trello or Asana.


I know you have heard of this one... and if you haven’t yet, then you need to get the heck out from under your rock. The tip on this one is to set up different chats in the system for different positions in your company. For example, I have a Coder, a Marketing Expert, and a Copywriter in my ChatGPT... I’d also recommend paying for it if you want the best results.

Hunter.AI simplifies the often time-consuming task of finding email addresses for potential business contacts. Its user-friendly interface and powerful database allow you to connect with leads and partners effortlessly. I haven’t actually tried this one yet, but it is on my shortlist.

Humanic.AI is another app I haven’t yet started using, but it sounds amazing. It sounds like it can do a lot, but the thing that piqued my interest as a real estate agent is it helps analyze personality types, so you can ensure you’re providing value in the most appropriate ways for each type of personality... I think this one is particularly interesting for those of us in a sales or marketing position.

Remember, knowledge is power, and by learning and adapting to the digital world, we can unlock a lot of opportunities and tools that can make our lives easier and more efficient. So, don't keep this valuable information to yourself - share it with a friend who might also benefit from these helpful tools!

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